Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What's Yours ??

"Sabar Mbak, please” Begitu teman-teman segroupku di IPMI bilang. Lima orang cowo. 3 orang sudah beristri. 2 orang masih single. Well, aku memang sudah bicara dengan nada tinggi sejak tadi. Kenapa sih aku nggak bisa smooth saat berdiskusi ma mereka ??

Walau aku sudah pasang muka bete tapi mereka masih senyum-senyum menatapku. Aku menarik nafas panjang. Melanjutkan sisa diskusi tugas bedah kasus Organization Behavior dengan berusaha lebih sabar.

Mengapa aku merasa berbeda dengan teman-teman segroupku? Mereka begitu panjang sabar, baik hati dan murah senyum ? Semua itu mulai terjawab sejak kami mengikuti kuliah Managerial Communication.

I would ask each of you to take MBTI test to know your type of personality. The test is available at the internet – fee of charge, please do and send the result to me trough email “ Ms. Netta- our lecture said at the beginning of the M-Com class.

The day after that first class, I took the test online. My type was – ENTP - Extraversion-Intuition-Thinking-Perceiving. This type-more or less-describe as :
Extraversion- Preference in Communicate energy and enthusiasm
Intuition - Preference for taking in information from the “sixth sense” and noticing what might be
Thinking-Preference to decide in a logical objective way
Perceiving - Preference for living as spontaneous and flexible life

Seminggu berlalu. Kami kembali hadir di kelas M-Com hari kamis. Bu Netta menjelaskan masing-masing type. Beliau tiba pada typeku – “ENTP people have Contribution to the Organization by View limitations as challenges to be overcome, Provide new ways to do things, Offer conceptual frame of reference to problems, Take initiative and spur others on, Enjoy complex challenges”

“But they also have Potential Pitfalls as they may forgetting about current realities may be competitive and unappreciative of the contribution of others. may over-extend themselves
And may not adapt well to standard procedures”

Aku menyimak dengan sungguh-sungguh. Denny-salah satu teman segroup yang duduk disebelah berbisik “lu banget tuh Mbak” Aku nyengir. Denny betul, apa yang didesripsikan oleh bu Netta rasanya “gue banget”

“Class, Now I ask you to practice how plan strategy to communicate with different group of “Temperament Work Styles”. Please make 4 group by categories NF. NT. SP and SJ type”

Aku pindah duduk. Berkelompok bersama teman lain yang mempunya type NT. Aku melihat sekeliling,mencari teman-teman segroupku. Reza, Rizky dan Denny duduk di group NF. Jo di group SJ. Wafa tidak hadir. Hah ? Majoritas teman di groupku adalah orang-orang NF. I’m Surprise!!

Dwiya yang duduk disebelahku-karena kami sama-sama NT- menyadari keterkejutanku. “Mbak, temen-temen segroup lu mayoritas orang NF ya ??”
Aku mengangguk . Spceehless. Pantas saja!!
Dwiya tertawa. “How lucky you belong into that group, and how unlucky them to have you.” Kusikut Dwiya agar diam.

Kami menyimak penjelasan bu Netta soal bagaimana strategi berkomunikasi dengan group type yang berbeda. Kami harus menganalisa kekurangan dan kelebihan dari type kami untuk menjembatani perbedaan dengan group lain. Kami berdiskusi. Steve maju kedepan buat sharing. Mewakili Group NT People.

At a glance Steve said “ The important point to deal with SP people is We should give attention to detail , since they love that,but we don’t. With the SJ people by follow the procedure. and with NF person is by consider their felling since the NF people always concern about felling, while NT people tend to ignore others person feeling”.

Gotcha!! That’s the answer. Itulah jawaban mengapa aku merasa berbeda dengan majoritas teman-teman segroupku. Sejak itu aku berjanji untuk memperbaiki caraku berkomunikasi dengan mereka. Dengan lebih memperhatikan perasaan mereka. Agar komunikasi di group kami bisa berjalan dengan mulus.

So….My personality type is ENTP…… What’s Yours?

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